Go all in - Oktoberfest at Café Opera

What a grand party tonight at Café Opera where we were invited by Johan Carlén to a big Oktoberfest with lots of fun and glamour! Going all in today with tyroler costumes in red, white, black, boots, ponytails, a big smile and party mood. We even got green giveaway hats on our way out. 😉💃💋
 Pressphoto by Armand Dommer
Photo by Clas Lindstål
 We met alot of wonderful people, tasted great German hot food, drank warming shots (kräuterlikör - working great after a bad cold) and sodas (as we are not fans of beer). A band was playing happy tyroler music and we did some singalong of course! 💓 So nice to get alot of photo shoots from the awesome photographers! So happy to be invited and looking forward to next time!
Watch vlog here:

            Photo by Marie-Therese Karlberg
So nice to meet Sara Ekholm, psychic medium with her own practise that we really recommend.
 Sweet girls in party mood! Sara Ekholm, blogger Cristina Funke and artist
Pernilla Pramberg.
 Together with the always stylish blogger Hannah Gerner.
 So happy to meet up with the awesome TV profile and beauty specialist Alex Catalan. 

Check out our webshop and offers for DIGITAL RELEASE, A&R, SONGWRITING here: http://ylvalinda.tictail.com/


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