🍂 Frosten ❄️ new song and video release in Swedish celebrating the seasons

Finally, we can share our new single and video release of "Frosten" that took over a year to finish! It is a celebration of all the beautiful seasons of the year and a chance for us to show our own expression, having worked a lot with other artists lately (which we love of course ❤). It also symbolizes the different phases in life we go through; the waiting, patience, struggle when we want to reach a desire in our hearts! Something we think all of you can relate to. Spotify 👉 https://spoti.fi/3j3mmjq The music (melody, lyrics), arrangement, music production and video production is all self made in this project, which has been relieving but also puts pressure on us to deliver something amazing for you! The great guitars are done by Patric Skog who played a lot on our other songs as well. We really hope you will like our new song and video and shower us with likes, comments, shares and put the song on repeat! 💗 Be sure to turn on notifications to not miss when we go li...