Summer on our minds 🌞 Gigs and releases!

Time to sit back and relax or having more fun? 🌞 Summertime is finally here after a busy Winter and Spring with lots of hard studio work indoors. We're happy to share the result with you as well as switching to outdoor activities in terms of live performances! We had a fabulous time singing at the celebrations of the Swedish national day in Sundbyberg on June 6. 🇸🇪 💛💙 Thanks for having us! This time we had the opportunity to invite the guest artist and tenor Kalle Leander to sing one of our own songs Revival as well as the classic cover of Anthem. Check out what happened here 👉 We were invited to host an appreciated sing-along performance at Ylva's work place ICA during a Summer event both live and broadcasted online for the entire company. Happy to see all the people singing with us to Summer classics that we have performed numerous times on party gigs and weddings. This time was a di...