Summer on our minds 🌞 Gigs and releases!

Time to sit back and relax or having more fun? 🌞 Summertime is finally here after a busy Winter and Spring with lots of hard studio work indoors. We're happy to share the result with you as well as switching to outdoor activities in terms of live performances!

We had a fabulous time singing at the celebrations of the Swedish national day in Sundbyberg on June 6. 🇸🇪 💛💙 Thanks for having us! This time we had the opportunity to invite the guest artist and tenor Kalle Leander to sing one of our own songs Revival as well as the classic cover of Anthem.


Check out what happened here 👉

We were invited to host an appreciated sing-along performance at Ylva's work place ICA during a Summer event both live and broadcasted online for the entire company. Happy to see all the people singing with us to Summer classics that we have performed numerous times on party gigs and weddings. This time was a different challenge to get the office people involved early in the morning at 10AM 😀 both on site and streaming at home. 

Hopefully they all enjoyed it and got some good vibes. We love to see when the audience is involved and happy, just being themselves, singing and doing moves. It's actually healthy to sing, it will stimulate your "vagus nerve" connected to the muscles at the back of your throat. Did you know that? Ask Chat GPT and you'll find out more! 😉 More from this day on Insta and FB 👉 👉

We have another upcoming gig singing our own songs together with the artist and medium, good friend and personal coach 💗 Sara Ekholm at Josefina, Djurgården in Stockholm on July 1, 5 PM. We hope to see you there! 👉[]%7D
We're really happy to get all these opportunities of singing live, it cannot be taken for granted and we all remember the years of restrictions, but it's also requires a lot of time and effort to do preparations, taking meetings, communicate and setting the requirements to make things happen including sound, instrumental background, clothes, filming and not to forget the mental preparations as expectations are high! 👍 All of our years experiences from gigs, digital broadcasts and TV performances came in handy! 

Check out our latest releases with Sara here 👉

We are also looking forward to taking some time off in July and August to release the stress and prioritize health after always being available 24/7 all year around. 😅😓 It will be nice to spend quality time with family and do some travelling. We love to start many projects and to see the result, but when working in collaborations everyone have their own schedules and workflow and there is a tendency to postpone everything until the last minute and not set a plan, leaving us last in the chain having to wait to complete the final tasks, like doing backing vocals, editing vocals, doing cover image, videos, preparing and doing the release or submitting the songs to meet the deadline. We mostly act as project leaders too, following up on everyone in the team making them communicate with eachother and keep a timeline, which is a hard and tiresome task. Especially when you have another full time job as well. 😅 Having to wait can also be stressful when the timeline is getting shorter and plans are not kept. However it's been a very productive songwriting year so far starting with 4 songs in Eurovision and to sum up 10 years as songwriters for ESC we released our own Swedish version of "Så länge jag lever" on Spotify and Youtube. Please check it out and thanks for your lovely support!

We were overwhelmed to get the opportunity to have our music journey covered in an article of two huge pages in the paper Allas!! We had a pleasant afternoon at home being interviewed and photographed by two lovely, professional people so it was very easy and therapeutic to tell our story. Also interesting to wrap up our lives and music career so far in this way. So much nice comments coming from all of you after doing this, thanks alot!
Wanna know more about our 10 years for Eurovision? Check out the latest live stream we did here

Photos: Allas

We were really happy to be one of 5 finalists for P4 Nästa Värmland with Angeliqa who did a splendid live performance in the live final. The song is written by us and Rickard Bonde Truumeel. 👉

Last year we won Sami Grand Prix with Ingá-Máret Gaup Juuso and are happy to be able to keep working on new projects with her. A few songs were released in Sami language and more are coming soon!

To support and celebrate Pride we had the pleasure of doing another official song for Pride Lillehammer in Norway. This time with Liza Vassilieva. 🏳️‍🌈

We are super happy to support Pride even more by having the official song for Karlskrona Pride this year with Zara & Jessica (former Sarek) that we will release at Midsummer! Presave here 👉 Follow them on Spotify and the song will be out on Youtube too! There will be a live performance at the festival in August. Cover arts by JM Arts 👉

We are also really excited to reveal that we have a very special cover song release coming up at the end of June together with this team. It will be featured in a live performance at Pride Stockholm this Summer that has been our dream for many years! 💥💦 

The event season is back on track since last year and we're honoured to be invited to Café Opera AWs and Sthlm Beauty week for openings, book releases, art galleries and much more! We unfortunately had to turn down a few invitations this year due to lack of time and energy - health goes first. Always working hard to reach our goals and that takes time and effort! Press photos by Cawa Media, Café Opera,,


As always we are looking for new artists and cooperations for EUROVISION 2024! Hit us with your recommendations of talented artists in confirmed countries, producers, cowriters and you will make us happy! Check our our Youtube playlist for Eurovision here 👉

So excited for Penny Smitt performing the newly cowritten song "I am" at a big international song competition this Autumn as well as a Swedish cover of one of our released songs. Wish us luck! Be sure to check out our released music with Penny on Spotify 👉 👈

We often get requests for studio recordings and releases and we welcome you to contact us and book our offers if you can record at home or in a studio and send us files. We unfortunately no longer have a venue or association for this and only capacity to invite a minium number of  chosen people to our home studios. 👉 (This page is recently updated to a new design!) You can also order karaoke versions here of the songs you'd like to perform live at events, contests and parties.
It would make our day if you would do us a favour with a thumbs up 👍 and a comment on our Youtube releases, Facebook and Insta reels. Please subscribe and set notifications so you don't miss the latest releases! Thanks for following, like, comment, share, sub4sub, like4like! 

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