Fashion week in Stockholm!

Thursday work and fun!👆It is Stockholm Fashion Week and we were invited to an event "Strike a pose & rock on @Fashion Night" at the topfloor of the chic bar Vau De Ville in the city centre. Smarting ( was arranging the event that started with a photo session on the red carpet outside the venue. We dressed in black with red details and blond loose curls tonight.

Tasted great sparkling drinks, snacks and were introduced to fashionistas and designers of gorgeous tunics and jewellery from Ewa Mari Johansson and Märta Larsson. LG was also showing their unique Styler to steam your clothes gently and effective!

Outside the event Fashion week gave us some great music from Nova Miller and we tried ecologic products from Under your skin. Met some very interesting people and are looking forward to possible collaborations through the network of Smarting that we had the pleasure of joining tonight! The network is connecting people and brands in a smart way! So nice to meet Maria Forssén!

Check out our webshop and offers for DIGITAL RELEASE, A&R, SONGWRITING here:    


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