Vernissage Underb.ART

How about some art, drinks, snacks and music on a normal but unusually warm September Wednesday in Stockholm? 😊 We went straight from our regular jobs to quickly fix some makeup and dressed in black jumpsuits with embroideries that we also wore at the performance of Eurovision Belarus in Minsk some years ago. On top of that our favourite red blazers from Pink Boutique! Ylva and Linda are out networking again! 😃👍👄

 Invited to a vernissage by Erwik Communications to the intimate art store Ramdesign at Sankt Eriksgatan in Stockholm we could see the masterpieces of the artist Pernilla Pramberg in bright colours. Luckily there were alot of drinks to cool down in this hot but small gallery and so great to see alot of new and familiar faces. Refreshingly we were invited to see the other side of the street and the cool, blue club Klubb BLÅ well worth a visit! There were also opera music with Hedda Hoper and piano music with Okiem.

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