Eurovision 2021 - Lithuania here we go!

After a pretty rough 2020 with many cancellations and few opportunities when it comes to Eurovision, we got a great start of 2021 being selected for Eurovision Lithuania! 💖 This time with one of our soul ballads "The Way I Am" with the great artist Donata! 

This is often the best time of the year when it comes to music and Eurovision for us. We get to release a lot of great new great songs and focus on our passion! 💪💖 For those of you who already followed us we have competed as songwriters with over 40 songs in 18 countries since 2013 and last year we had as many as 7 songs in national selections, being a high score. We reached Norway as a new Nordic country, which was a milestone for us. Usually Moldova and Belarus are familiar countries where we have songs almost every year, but as 20 countries pick the same artists as last year for 2021 you can imagine there are not so many chances for a songwriter focusing on Eurovision. 😞 We actually thought we would end up with zero songs, so it was amazing to get this positive message just before Christmas when we started to finalize the song for Eurovision Lithuania. 

The TV broadcast on LRT is already on Saturday Jan 16 at 9 PM (Lithuanian time) and we're hoping that you are voting for us if you are from Lithuania! Please follow, like, comment our song to get us going! Today we have a newly lyric video published for this song that we produced and hopefully this week it will be out on Spotify as well.

Donata did an official video where we also got the chance to take part as actors!! The song is about standing up for yourself and who you are and we think the official video is spot on for our lyrics! The video will also be featured as a backdrop for a TV broadcast. 

We also feel that the lyrics have grown into representing the times we are living right now with Covid-19, when we have the chance to go more inwards than before and finding our true selves. No more being sorry for being real.

The song is written by us together with Niklas Bergqvist and Simon Johansson who we did several other Eurovision songs with earlier years. Now we got the chance to make this one possible too which is awesome! Vytenis Misevičius did the final mix and we are really happy for this cooperation and for being able to working with new great people that can deliver on a very tight deadline. Only in a couple of weeks (and during Christmas holidays!!) everything had to be finished including videos and this is usually the big challenge when it comes to Eurovision. It's one thing to submit a demo but another to actually get everything in place where tight deadlines to finance issues will affect the outcome. It's rather different when you have 6 months to complete a song and prepare for everything in due course. We had our hopes and wanted to work more on the production, but this was just not possible because of the time limit.

We usually get the question how many songs we submitted for Eurovision and as always, we work hard all-year-around for different selections. We spend a lot of time getting in touch with artists and send songs to all countries that accept and this year it was exceptionally difficult. Also because many artists were not interested in putting effort into doing this at all. We still may have a shot on some countries that pick internally or have open submissions a few more weeks, but we'll see what happens and try our best. It may seem like an easy task to make songs, produce, submit and get selected and even win, but there are many factors. This still remains a very popular contest with no guarantees. There is no recipe for victory or success and the conditions for each national selection changes with each year. 

Get ready for our other releases that are coming as well. We're not just focusing on Eurovision this year but also Vinterpride Lillehammer Norway! Be sure to set a notification for the release on Jan 22! Also working hard behind the scenes with other songs that we hope to share with you soon. Your feedback and support means everything to us!

Whatever outcome we'll keep doing Eurovision songs, this is what we do and what we are passionate about. We've always loved the openness of this contest, where we've had the opportunity to meet so many great artists of different nationalities through the language of music, that we would never have met otherwise. This is the format that works best for us when releasing songs. You can work in different genres and follow the mainstream music but still keep the Eurovision touch which is what we do best and love! 💗 We are just lucky to find all these great cooperations independently, getting the match of artists and songs and finalize vocal recordings and mixes! Our passion for this type of music and cooperations keeps us going and we've generously shared our time, resources and creations which we hope will continue in new forms and reward us back one day. For us it's more about the love of the songs than business and a great way to release songs. But of course we also want to score well and win when we are in the game! 💗

Do you want to work with us and our music? Do you want to sing our karaoke versions? Do you want to release your own version of our songs? Check out offers here:



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