Year in review 2019

2019 in review! This year is coming to an end and we're going to give all the up's and down's and share all the goodies in one blog post, so let's start! 👍💥💖Just like last year it's been very productive, we met many new exciting people and did a lot of great cooperations and releases! For Eurovision we competed with 5 great songs and managed to reach Serbia as a new country. We released almost 100 Youtube videos and reached 1 million views + 16 singles on Spotify and iTunes. There has been many international TV performances during the years, but now we had another approach and worked very hard to reach Swedish TV for one of our songs and to do the backing vocals live. This has been a long-time goal and dream for us that has seemed almost impossible to reach despite a lot of efforts. We came very close and were on the verge of signing the contract. But due to illness this was unfortunately cancelled which was a hard setback for us trying to reach an important mile...